All Bets Are Off

Historical Beer: Roggenbier, (27)  BeerSmith Recipe file lost to the sands of time. Formulation I’ve never even tasted a commercial example of this style, but I haven’t exactly looked hard for it either.  This is strange, now that I think about it, because I love Rye IPAs, and I love throwing a dash of Rye…

Installing a Thermowell into a Plastic Fermentor

Most homebrewers ferment in a cylindrical vessel whether it’s a glass carboy, plastic Better-Bottle or a plastic fermentation vessel. The problem is that the walls of these fermentors are made of (relatively thick) thermal insulators (plastic or glass) and taping a probe to the side of them is not going to get a sufficient response…

Don’t Panic

American Brown Ale (19C) BeerSmith Recipe File Formulation I’ve had very few American brown ales and I’ve never brewed one.  It’s a style that has eluded me, mostly because I’m always seeking imperials, hop bombs, and belgians.  Perhaps I find brown ale, in general, boring.  It probably deserves a revisit and after reading the profile…